Running code in the browser
The best way to learn is to try things out. With embedded coding environments this has never been easier:
print("This code will run on a container somewhere and return here!")
You can edit the code, and it will still run, feel free to experiment:
print("This code will run on a container somewhere and here!")
This works across programming languages and tools, no need for setting up anything locally until you feel confident.
fn main() {
println!("Whats up people?");
This allows to tailor the test environment to showcase a specific thing.
fn main(){
let mut console_high_score = 8999;
{ // I borrow the console for this block
let y = &mut console_high_score;
// I'm ruining the high score here by performing an action (mutation)
*y += 2;
} // At the end of this block, I return it to Louis
println!("console_high_score is now {}", console_high_score);
This is ideal to tinker, try things out, and learn from mistakes.